So please don’t go with anything too small that will only appear blurry or elongated when seen from different angles instead, opt for large font sizes so every person can read everything happening during their session! When it comes time to give your presentation, you want everyone in the audience – not just those in front and center–to be able to see what’s on screen.

How to change the font size on the keynote presentation If the text on each slide takes up more room than what’s available, it might be best to go with a smaller typeface like Impact or P force 9 these fonts look great when printed in larger sizes! On slides where there isn’t enough screen real estate (i present this often), I recommend using either Myriad pro or Proxima Nova-they have beautiful ligatures, which makes them easier on viewers’ eyes without sacrificing any readability in comparison. The font size you use for your presentation is essential. Presentation design services : Which font size is best for keynote presentations?