There are dozens of different, 12v door locks out there - check what you need and how to fix it before buying one! Also, bear in mind that these locks take quite some current (the small one I used needs just under 400mA). I didn't amend the Adafruit demo sketch for the Arduino to read the fingerprints, other than to power up the door lock if it found a matching fingerprint.

Just goes to show you can't always tell what will work and what won't. Sneak update: I also used a standalone Serial-to-USB converter that had a CP2102 chip on it. Like this one: Geekcreit® Arduino Compatible UNO R3 ATmega16U2 AVR USB Development Main Board Luckily, I had an old, possibly cloned, version of that board and it all sprang into life, so very easily! So check whether your UNO uses a CH340G (no go) FTDI (might work) or a 16U2 (best solution). Now, thanks to some comments in the Adafruit article I figured I needed an Arduino UNO with a "proper" USB to Serial converter, such as the ♜ontroller found on the original Arduino Uno (an ATMega16U2). My original attempts at getting my R307 fingerprint reader working (over two years ago) came to nothing. I show you how to do this, all very easy once you have chosen a suitable Arduino UNO to use.

You can do everything on the Arduino, of course, but it makes sense to use the Windows' utility IDE first to ensure it all hangs together. Both fingerprint readers operate identically, but have different coloured wires! I show here how to enrol fingerprints using the Windows (only) demo program and then read them back on the Arduino to power a small door lock.

I'm using two different (but very similar) fingerprint readers here, an R307 and a slightly different, Adafruit-compatible version. (Direct link to video: ) LCSC Electronics - More Asian Brands, Lower Prices, 4 Hours Ready for Shipping China's leading Electronics Components source - 113 Authorized Brands, 174 International Brands, 555 Made in Asia Brands LCSC has been confirmed by ISO 9001: 2015. Arduino Fingerprint Sensor With Lock Using one of these two fingerprint readers is easy with an Arduino See YouTube video video #146